Sunday, June 29, 2008


I once heard the question, "in competition, what does it take to win; talent, or passion?"
The arguments were presented that a) if you have all the passion in the world, but no talent: you can't win, and b) if you have all the talent in the world, but no passion: it's not worth it.
This presents one of those topics that isn't necessarily about "which one is better", but it becomes a game of who can balance the two best.

I can't recall a specific time, but I do remember hearing of stories where a dominant team in a sport offers an opportunity to the passionate to succeed (within margins). Despite the dominant talent "winning by a landslide," there is an act of what we call compassion... where the passion of the nearly defeated is shared if for just a moment. For instance, I recall a story once told within my family, when a particular sibling was competing in a youth basketball game, and to her own amazement was able to make a steal, only to be compassionate enough with her opponent to return the ball politely! We still tease her about that from time to time, but I must say, she is still just as compassionate today as she was then. =]

There is something built within us that recognizes another's wants/desires/goals/and/or passions. But here's the catch: it's not simply recognition, but a personal challenge... an opportunity to make a decision to which we get the privilege to react in one way or another... and the question I pose is this:

Would you choose to support, ignore, or depress this persons passion?

I guess it depends on your own prerogative...and if you're jealous of the fact that they at least have passion.

But nevertheless, apathy to me is a sickness. One that is had by a poor diet, lack of physical activity, and a consistent spiritual act of apostasy. Until we humble ourselves and recognize the God who created us is far more than our own selves, we will not even come close to understanding where passion begins. Don't get me wrong; we can fake passion. But I'm talking about the passion that moves us with determination, strength, and courage to be in pursuit.

Using my first analogy about competition, I guess you could say that "talent"
has to do with our ability to pursue... but the determination, strength, and courage come from passion...and my prayer is that our passions, come from the Lord.


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